official app powered by WEBMIND28

Innovative social app

Innovative social app
The Challenge:
Integrating all popular social media and social networks into one app. Used by charity and community groups. Allowing users to search and deliver services/help/cooperations. Discovering new ways to maintain and grow one’s tree by a social activity simulation game! Increasing the chance of getting one’s needs met. Social activity indicator. Getting new opportunities to communicate and maintain interpersonal connections.
Services rendered:
UX/UI Design Motion Design Custom Development Ongoing Support & Development Research Creative Direction
User Experience Strategy Prototyping Architecture Integration with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google contacts, WhatsApp, etc. Notification Service Integration Chat
  • Mongo DB
  • Figma
  • React Native for Android and iOS platforms
  • Algorithm Python
  • Postgresql
  • Database
  • Hasura as a graphQl engine
  • Docker-compose